Need Foroige Hoodies?


Our staff have volunteered in Foróige for over 9 years and as a result we feel strongly about helping the Foróige clubs and projects. We are aware of the difficulties faced in both funding and fundraising and we also understand that in recessionary times it’s more difficult to ask a parent / guardian for money to buy hoodies on top of other costs.

The hoodies make the young people feel more part of something and allow them to show it off. It also makes them instantly recognisable as part of their club and of Foróige.

We want to supply high quality hoodies to Foróige Clubs and Projects and we also want to make this process as easy and as affordable as possible.

Through both volunteering and supplying clubs, we understand the difficulties in getting the young people to decide on colours, designs and styles and try to help as best we can. We have no problem dealing directly with the young people either, as we understand that it’s important for them to learn responsibility.

Below are our Foróige Special Offers and a handy guide for designing your hoodies. Both of these may be downloaded or printed by clicking on them. 

Prefer T-shirts?

Sometimes t-shirts are a better option or ever a great addition to your club or projects look. We have a wide range of t-shirts available. If you see something you like dont hesitate to contact us for more information.

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